Title: Documenting Alaska’s flora at the crossroads of Beringia
Presenters: Stefanie Ickert-Bond, Stephanie Zaborac-Reed, and Campbell Webb
Abstract: The unique position of Alaska at the crossroads of Beringia has prompted changes and accommodations of special features of our specimens in the Arctos database as well as features from our new Flora of Alaska project using taxonomic concepts. These include but are not restricted to Russian language labels that are translated but are also saved in Cyrillic, sharing of taxon concept mappings, and historical maps based on the major floristic works for Alaska – Hultén’s Flora of Alaska. We will also demonstrate using Arctos for teaching systematic botany online in an innovative way. Arctos is a powerful and flexible tool with great potential for enhancing research. We will also demonstrate Arctos’ new API (Application Programming Interface).
When: Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 3:00pm ET/1:00pm MT (19:00 UTC)
Where: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/94312392735 (passcode: arctos)
Can’t Make It?: This webinar will be recorded and made available on the Arctos Youtube station: https://arctosdb.org/learn/webinars/