We're headed for ICE 2016, the XXV International Congress of Entomology, September 25 - 30, 2016.
Sneak Preview of talks on the Data Without Borders (DwB) Symposium Wiki.
Symposium Date and Time: Monday 26 Sept, 130-530 EDT
in progress: Logistics to arrange broadcasting and recording of this symposium. Stay Tuned! for details.
Symposium Abstract: Many new and updated methods for collecting biological specimens now result in faster access for everyone to richer, more robust data for research. Scientists are learning new skills for collecting and managing field and lab data using relevant data standards, and publishing enhanced data sets as a result. Best practices for describing data sets with metadata are leading to improved data discovery. Researchers now have access to ever larger data sets for visualization, analysis, and modeling. In our symposium, we present a broad array of examples of the latest developments in biodiversity research using biological specimen data, including genomics, habitat, and trait data. We present current trends in collecting and vouchering of specimens and field data, methods and tools for digitizing the specimen data, and tools and skills needed for visualizing the data. We then highlight how the data are being used, especially for research that expands our understanding of biodiversity.
Our Data without Borders session naturally fits the ICE 2016 theme: Entomology without Borders, addressing the world-wide need for fit-for-research-use data. An underlying theme for Data without Borders is International Collaboration for Biodiversity. In the last ten years, many changes such as powerful hand-held devices, apps, and computing in-the-cloud have made it possible to collect, use, and share data more easily, and in ways that support re-use. Collaboration makes it possible not only to document biodiversity more quickly but also to provide better tools and better data. We will provide examples of this type of collaboration in this symposium.
Symposium Conveners: Deborah Paul (iDigBio), Pam Soltis (iDigBio PI), Nicole Fisher (Australian National Insect Collection (ANIC), Paul Flemons (Australian Museum, Collection Informatics).
More iDigBio Events at ICE 2016 see: https://www.idigbio.org/content/ice-2016-xxv-international-congress-ento...