iDigBio Symposia at Botany 2013

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iDigBio will be sponsoring three symposia at the Botany 2013 Meeting to be held on July 27-31, 2013 in New Orleans:

  1. Monday, July 29:  Public Participation in Scientific Research: Emerging Resources for Botany (Austin Mast, Sarah Newman)
  2. Monday, July 29:  Herbarium Digitization for Research, Teaching, and the Public (Eric Ribbens)
  3. Tuesday, July 30:  Broadening Participation - Recruiting and Retaining Outstanding Scientists in the Botanical Sciences (Anna Monfils, Ann Sakai)

In addition, iDigBio will be hosting an exhibit!  For more information, please visit the Botany 2013 website.

Start Date: 
Saturday, July 27, 2013 (All day) to Wednesday, July 31, 2013 (All day)
Riverside Hilton
New Orleans
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