iDigBio and Data Carpentry go to Africa
Location: BIS (TDWG) 2015 Biodiversity Information Standards:
An amazing 2 weeks in Nairobi, Kenya.
by Deb Paul, input from Libby Ellwood and Matt Collins.
Location: BIS (TDWG) 2015 Biodiversity Information Standards:
An amazing 2 weeks in Nairobi, Kenya.
by Deb Paul, input from Libby Ellwood and Matt Collins.
by Mike Yost, iDigBio GWG member and MaCC TCN Project Assistant
Greetings fellow georeferencers! Mike Yost here, MaCC Project Assistant and blogger of all things georeferencing.
Georeferencing: The Polygon Method - a guest blog by Michael Yost, Macrofungi Collection Consortium (MaCC) Project Assistant at the Denver Botanic Gardens and active member of the iDigBio GWG.
Georeferencing Procedure Outline - a guest blog by Michael Yost, Macrofungi Collection Consortium (MaCC) Project Assistant at the Denver Botanic Gardens
Greetings, fellow georeferencers!
by Deborah Paul for Nelson E. Rios
If you need to georeference hundreds of thousands of localities for millions of specimens, how will you get it done? On May 1st, 2014, 88 people logged in to find out more about how to use CoGe, or Collaborative Georeferencing using a suite of tools developed at Tulane Biodiversity Institute.
On Friday, September 6th, Nelson Rios from Tulane University and the FishNet2 project, presented a lecture covering advanced use of GEOLocate software and services available through the web-based Application Programming Interface (API). Using Adobe Connect meeting software, over 30 people came to find out what they can do with GEOLocate tools and services beyond the online public user-interface. The recorded meeting was IT-oriented, but those new to "just what is a service?" were also welcome. Many of the participants were from the recent iDigBio 2nd Train-the-Trainers Georeferencing Workshop and they were eager to pick-up where the TTT2 GEOLocate material ended. (TTT2 Workshop) (TTT2 Blog)