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Press Releases

Position Announcement: iDigBio Biodiversity Informatics Coordinator

The National Center for Digitization of Biodiversity Collections (iDigBio), centered at the Florida Museum of Natural History and funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation, is developing an integrated national infrastructure for digitization of biodiversity collections housed in U.S. institutions. The resource provides access to information critical to scientific research and education, including that designed to understand biodiversity and societal consequences of global change and other environmental issues.

American Museum of Natural History Releases Open Source Software Tool to Count Objects in Images

The American Museum of Natural History’s Center for Biodiversity and Conservation (CBC) has released an open source tool to assist with manually counting objects in images called DotDotGoose. This purpose-built tool was created since most conservation researchers and practitioners working on counting objects in images were using software such as Adobe Photoshop and ImageJ which are not ideally suited for many conservation applications.

Application Deadline for the 2019 NEON-ESA Early Career Scholars (NECS) Program

The application deadline for this program is 1:00 PM MDT on June 17, 2019.

Presenting research findings and participating in scientific dialogue are important experiences in the career development of researchers. To support their growth as effective scientists and communicators, the NEON project and the Ecological Society of America (ESA) are pleased to announce a 2019 NEON-ESA Early Career Scholars (NECS) program funded by the National Science Foundation to help cultivate and support a diverse group of early career scholars and practitioners. 

Update: Registration is open for the 3rd Annual Digital Data in Biodiversity Research Conference

Yale Peabody Museum in collaboration with iDigBio, the Natural Sciences Collections Alliance, and Ecological Society of America is pleased to update our announcement of the third annual Digital Data in Biodiversity Research conference, to be held 10-12 June 2019 at Yale University, New Haven, CT.

NSC Alliance Announces New Partnership

Dear NSC Alliance Members,

It is with great pleasure that I write to let you know about another exciting new development from the Natural Science Collections Alliance (NSC Alliance). 

The NSC Alliance has just signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Florida (iDigBio) to “promote the sustainable implementation of a national digital data meeting.”