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|valign="top"|mammals, birds, fish, herps
|valign="top"|mammals, birds, fish, herps
|valign="top"|mammals (), birds (), fish (12), herps (64)
|valign="top"|63 institutions, 179 collections: mammals (46), birds (47), fish (26), herps (44), paleo (8), tissue (4), special (4) (as of 12Aug2014)
|valign="top"|Consortium of California Herbaria (CCH)
|valign="top"|Consortium of California Herbaria (CCH)

Revision as of 12:52, 12 August 2014

How this resource might be useful: These resources are an at-a-glance introduction to existing Thematic Collections Networks (TCNs), including a contact (with their email) who has volunteered to answer questions for each project, and some rudimentary information about the organisms in their proposal. This information may be useful to anyone writing a proposal, interested to see what others are doing, with what digitization technology; or who has recently received funding and is looking for digitization tips and advice from like-minded people.

Brief background: NSF's Advancing Digitization of Biological Collections (ADBC) initiative is funding iDigBio to be the hub to serve the digitized collections from TCNs projects (networks of institutions organized around a theme). Sometimes the theme includes a research question. RDCNs ('Regional' Digitization Collections Networks (managed by Collections in Support of Biological Research (CSBR))) are like a TCN, but not so closely tied managerially to iDigBio and the TCNs.

References: Intro to iDigBio (from SPNHC 2013)

Anyone seeking information about ADBC, its grand challenges, or how to get involved in this funding stream should look on the NSF website for the solicitations:

ADBC Annual Report Info Sheet

Guidelines for Annual Reporting Requirements for Lead Proposal PIs and Collaborative Proposal PIs at iDigBio, TCN and PEN locations. ADBC Annual Report Info Sheet

TCN Lightning Round Progress Reports at Summit 3, November 2013

Each TCN gave a succinct digitization progress report:

TCN Monthly Reports to iDigBio

TCNs at a Glance

Below is a table of TCN project information. RDCNs are added below for completeness since they work closely with thematic networks.

Note: the number of anticipated specimens and images to be digitized is approximate.

TCN Date Contact with Email Digitization Methodology Software Interface to iDigBio Organisms # of Specimens/Images # of Collaborators
InvertNet (website) 2011 - 2015 Christopher Dietrich robotic scanning of vials, slides and drawers, crowd-sourcing of label data from images arthropods 56.1M / .89M 16 (1 PEN) (Map)
Tri-trophic (TTD)


2011 - 2015 Katja Seltmann Toby Schuh (insects), Rob Naczi (plants) imaging herbarium sheets with the Photo eBox Plus Arthropod Easy Capture, Symbiota insects (Hemiptera, Hymenoptera) and vascular plants 1.6M (insects) 6.1M (plants) / 611,000 32 (Map)
Lichens & Bryophytes (LBCC)

(TCN website), (lichen website), (bryophyte website)

2011 - 2015 Corinna Gries, Tom Nash‎‎, Ed Gilbert label imaging, using OCR for data capture workflow Symbiota lichens & bryophytes 2.3M / 2.3M 76 (3 PENs) (Map)
New England Vascular Plants (NEVP)

(TCN website), (CNH website)

2012 - 2016 Patrick Sweeney robotic scanning apparatus for herbarium sheets, specimen-by-specimen label data capture Symbiota, EMu vascular plants 1.29M / 1.29M 19 (Map)
PaleoNICHES 2012 - 2015 Bruce Lieberman specimen-by-specimen label data capture Specify fossils: arthropods, brachiopods, echinoderms, and mollusks 650K / 3600 8 (2 PENs) (Map)
MacroFungi Collection Consortium (MaCC)

(TCN website),(mycoportal website)

2012 - 2015 Barbara Thiers label imaging, crowd-sourcing of label data Symbiota macrofungi 1.39M / 1.3M 38 (Map)
Southwest Collections of Arthropods (SCAN)

(TCN website), (website)

2012 - 2015 Neil Cobb Visionary Digital workflow, specimen-by-specimen label data capture, plus ~16K specimen image suites (~40K images) Symbiota ground dwelling arthropods .73M / 15,125 16 (1 PEN) (Map)
Fossil Insect Collaborative (FIC)


2013 - 2017 Dena Smith Visionary Digital workflow, most specimen data already captured Specify, EMu and other (for home institutions) - developing the iDigPaleo Portal for our main interface. fossil insects 500k/200k 7 (Map)
Vouchered Animal Communication Signals (VACS) 2013 - 2017 Michael Webster digitizing analog sound recordings, imaging specimens & labels birds, frogs, fish and insects 58,374 / 22,939 7 (Map)
Macroalgal Herbarium Consortium (MHC) (website) 2013 - 2017 Chris Neefus imaging herbarium sheets with the Photo eBox Plus Symbiota macroalgae 1.14M / 1.14M 50 (Map)

RDCNs at a Glance

RDCN Contact with Email Methodology Software Organisms # of Participants


Dave Bloom aggregator / facilitator mammals, birds, fish, herps 63 institutions, 179 collections: mammals (46), birds (47), fish (26), herps (44), paleo (8), tissue (4), special (4) (as of 12Aug2014)
Consortium of California Herbaria (CCH)


David Baxter aggregator / facilitator custom vascular plants 32
Fishnet2 Collaborative Georeferencing Hank Bart, Jr. georeferencing fish
Mississippi Herbaria Consortium (Magnolia grandiFLORA) Lucile McCook aggregator / facilitator Silver Biology, Specify plants 8
Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria


Ben Legler aggregator / facilitator plants 57
Texas Oklahoma Regional Consortia of Herbaria (TORCH)


Wayne Elisens aggregator / facilitator plants 9

TCN Social Media Resources

TCN Blogs

TCN Facebook

TCN Twitter