Talk:CYWG iDigBio DwC-A Pull Ingestion
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table oriented another way.
Feed Type | Title (human friendly name of recordset) | Description (human friendly description of recordset) | Dataset GUID (unique identifier for dataset in feed) | Dataset Link (link to DwC archive) | Metadata Link (link to .eml) | Publication Date |
IPT | title | description | guid | ipt:dwca | ipt:eml | pubDate |
Symbiota | title | description | guid | link | emllink | pubDate |
Feeder | title | description | id | link | ipt:eml | pubDate |
EasyCapture | title | description | guid | link | emllink | pubDate |
we probably want to flip the table with each feed type in a column rather than a row.
Publishing feed XML field names by publisher type | ||||
Feed Type | IPT | Symbiota | Feeder | EasyCapture |
Title (human friendly name of recordset) | title | title | title | title |
Description (human friendly description of recordset) | description | description | description | description |
Dataset GUID (unique identifier for data feed) | guid | guid | id | guid |
Dataset Link (link to DwC archive) | ipt:dwca | link | link | link |
Metadata Link (link to .eml) | ipt:eml | emllink | ipt:eml | emllink |
Publication Date | PubDate | PubDate | PubDate | PubDate |
Publishing Feed - Field Requirements | |
Title (human friendly name of recordset) | SHOULD |
Description (human friendly description of recordset) | SHOULD |
Dataset GUID (unique identifier for dataset in feed) | MUST |
Dataset Link (link to DwC archive) | MUST |
Metadata Link (link to .eml) | MUST |
Publication Date | MUST |
Feed Level
MUST: Title
SHOULD: Description
Item Level
SHOULD: title
SHOULD: description
MUST: guid
MUST: pubDate
MUST: archive link
MUST: eml link
OPTIONAL: everything else