GWG notes 10 January 2014
GWG meeting notes from 10 Jan 2014
--Dpaul (talk) 17:26, 10 January 2014 (EST)
1. Next GWG meeting: Week of February 3rd. Date time TBD, 1x month going fwd.
David, we remembered date/time of gwg was up for discussion for 2014. to all: Tuesday's at a different time? (if time was your conflict). to all: Or change the day and time as well?
2. TO All: see please review site and report back at next meeting. guidance for review follows:
Check for links that don't work, or just not worth it, or are missing (and need to be added). Note any design issues photos (georeferencing in action) needed known that Geolocate information / links need adding (Nelson) Google Calendar there will be a community resource for georef workshops Some limited users will have update / edit permissions - group to be adjusted as needed.
Goal: a curated high-value resource (not "catch-all") Site: currently lives on the KU server Feedback: send feedback to before February (January 31st).
3. Locality Service Requirements document. Version 0. Nelson, Reed, John W, David B, Jessica, perhaps Ann Molineaux (et al), to write general summary description and first outline. Send to the GWG list to review: for next meeting week of Feb 3rd. Goal, as a group: write a paper defining the technical requirements and costs for building and maintaining / sustaining a locality service. This includes a brief general description and a set of use cases to present to non-IT persons.
write outline (as a first goal). assign writers to sections? deadline? let's set one so we can manage expectations and time. data requirements specifications. data / metadata about a geofer event maintained. gold / silver data standard? first effort may be workflow to get all this locality data to come to one place...service later (Nelson) (compare against existing data - use distribution data for taxa - to validate georeferencer's datapoints). (Map of Life - expert distribution maps - a source to start with). (Life Mapper - look for outliers - to vet / validate georeferences) rights to take localities - may need / probably need permissions /probably not a big hurdle.