IDigBio API v0 Specification

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Caution! Caution: The iDigBio version 0 APIhas been superseded and is no longer available. For information on curent APIs, please see the iDigBio API page. This page remains for historical reference.

Available Types

$ curl -s "" | json_pp
   "records" : "",
   "recordsets" : "",
   "mediaaps" : "",
   "mediarecords" : ""

Available endpoints

All endpoints follow the form of "{api_version}{endpoint}"

iDigBio v0 API Endpoints
Endpoint Method Description
'/mediarecords' GET returns a collection of media record IDs
'/mediarecords/{ID}' GET returns a media record with the specific entity ID
'/mediarecords/{ID}/media' GET returns an image associated with the specific entity ID
'/records' GET returns a collection of record IDs
'/records/{ID}' GET returns a record with the specific entity ID
'/records/{ID}/media' GET returns an image associated with the specific entity ID
'/publishers' GET returns a collection of publisher IDs
'/publishers/{ID}' GET returns a publisher with specific entity ID
'/recordsets' GET returns a collection of recordset IDs
'/recordsets/{ID}' GET returns a recordset with specific entity ID

GET /{api_version}

Description: Returns a list of top-level API feature types for a particular version of the API

Resource URL:

Parameters: None

Sample Usage:

$ curl -s | json_pp
   "records" : "",
   "recordsets" : "",
   "mediaaps" : "",
   "mediarecords" : ""