IDigBio Listservs
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The wiki page contains an index of iDigBio's current listerv, as well as an instructional resource for how to add/remove oneself from an existing listserv, and request that a new listserv be created.
Current Listserv
List name | Description |
ACTIONCENTER-L | Participants from the Action Center Workshops |
AOCR-HACKATHON-L | Augmenting OCR Working Group Hackathon (Feb 2013) |
BLUE-L | Biodiversity Literacy in Undergraduate Education (BLUE) |
CITSCRIBE-EXP-L | CITSCribe Experiments |
CITSCRIBE-L | CitScribe Hackathon (Dec 2013) |
IDAGUNITE-L | iDAGUnite Working Group |
IDB-TRANSHACK-L | Notes from Nature/iDigBio Hackathon (Dec 2014) |
IDIGBIO-AOCR-L | AOCR Working Group |
IDIGBIO-API-USERS-L | Announcements about iDigBio's APIs and ways of programmatically using iDigBio data |
IDIGBIO-CITIZENSCIENCE-L | Citizen Science & Crowdsourcing Working Group - Using citizen science resources for digitization and exploring partnerships with crowdsourcing service providers |
IDIGBIO-CYWG-L | Cyberinfrastructure Working Group |
IDIGBIO-FLUIDVERT-L | Digitizing Fluid-preserved Vertebrate Specimens Workshop (March 2016) |
IDIGBIO-L | Main iDigBio list for community communication and announcements |
IDIGBIO-PALEO-L | Paleontology Working Group |
IDIGBIO-PMIG-L | Project Management Interest Group |
IDIGBIOAFWG-L | Authority Files Working Group |
IDIGBIOBIM-L | Biodiversity Informatics Interest Group |
IDIGBIODIGI-L | Digitization Interest Group (all participants from iDigBio workshops) |
IDIGBIODM-L | Data Management Interest Group |
IDIGBIOEVENTS | iDigBio Event Participants |
IDIGBIOGWG-L | Georeferencing Working Group |
IDIGBIOHELP-L | iDigBio Help Desk |
IDIGBIOIAC-L | Internal Advisory Committee (TCN/PEN PIs and their agents plus iDigBio staff) |
IDIGBIOINVI-L | Invertebrate digitization interest group (created following Feb 2019 workshop) |
IDIGBIOPALDIGI-L | Paleo digitization interest group |
IDIGBIOSCNET-L | Small collection network |
IDIGBIOWDD-L | International Whole-Drawer Digitization Interest Group |
TCNLIST-L | PIs, co-PIs, and leads from Collaborating Institutions from TCNs and PENs |
TCNPIS-L | PIs and Co-PIs of TCNs |
How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
Basic listserv instructions can be found here.
Many LISTSERV operations are easily performed through email. We'll use the fictional list FICTIONAL-L in our examples below. You should replace all occurrances of the string "FICTIONAL-L" with the list you are interested in.
- To add yourself to a list,
- send a piece of email to
- with the line in the message body
subscribe (listname) (your first name) (your last name)
- e.g.:
subscribe FICTIONAL-L Jane Doe
- send a piece of email to
- To remove yourself from a list,
- send a piece of email to
- with the line in the message body
unsubscribe (listname)
- e.g.:
unsubscribe FICTIONAL-L
- send a piece of email to
How to Request a New List
If you need a new list for iDigBio-related activities, please contact us.
For iDigBio Staff
If you are an iDigBio staff member and are looking for information about archived lists, how to maintain a list, or how to setup a new list, please see the instructions in Redmine.