Resources for Collections-Based Undergraduate Education

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The iDigBio Education and Outreach Working Group, AIM-UP!, Kurator, Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES), Biodiversity Literacy for Undergraduate Education (BLUE), and others are pleased to announce a workshop entitled “Resources for Collections-Based Undergraduate Education” as part of a QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network.

The workshop will be held in the iDigBio conference room (105, NW 16th ST) at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, from May 24-25, with travel days on the 23rd and 26th.

This workshop is focused on building and implementing collections-based undergraduate modules and is part of a QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network. The workshop will bring participants from the Faculty Mentoring Network together for two days to:

  • receive training on implementation of existing collections-based resources developed by AIM-UP! and BLUE
  • further develop, optimize, and extend these modules to fit individual's needs for different courses.

Visit for more information and to apply now!

Workshop Logistics


Workshop Location: Building 105, Room #310 (105 NW16th St. Gainesville, FL 32611)