IDigBio Listservs
The iDigBio Listservs wiki page serves as an index of our various listervs, as well as an instructional resource for how or add/remove oneself from an existing listserv, or create a new listserv.
Current Listservs
iDigBio Listserv
Purpose: Community communication and announcements.
To add yourself to the list, email with the following command in the body of the email:
subscribe idigbio-L first_name last_name
e.g. subscribe idigbio-L Jane Doe
ADBC IT Listserv
Purpose: ADBC Information Technology community communication.
To add yourself to the list, email with the following command in the body of the email:
subscribe ADBCIT-L first_name last_name
e.g. subscribe ADBCIT-L Jane Doe
Note that the ADBCIT-L listserv should not be used to submit User Services tickets to iDigBio (e.g., site down, authentication issues). A separate list has been created for that purpose. A form on the website ( accepts User Services issues related to the site or digitization questions, and routes the issues to iDigBio support personnel.
Citizen Science & Crowdsourcing Listserv
Purpose: Using citizen science resources for digitization and exploring partenerships with crowdcourcing service providers.
To add yourself to the list, email with the following command in the email:
subscribe IDIGBIO-CITIZENSCIENCE-L first_name_last_name
e.g. subscribe IDIGBIO-CITIZENSCIENCE-L Jane Doe
Digitization Workflow Listserv
Purpose: To allow for members of Working Groups to collaborate virtually.
To add yourself to the list, email with the following command in the email:
subscribe IDIGBIO-DIGITIZATION-WG-L first_name last_name
e.g. subscribe IDIGBIO-DIGITIZATION-WG-L Jane Doe
Principal Investigators, coPIs and leads from Collaborating Institutions from the NSF TCNs and PENs Resource: TCNPIList-L@LISTS.UFL.EDU
Purpose: Coomunication between Principal Investigators and Co-PIs from all Collaborating Institutions.
To add yourself to the list, email with the following command in the email:
subscirbe TCNPIList-L first_name last_name
e.g. subscribe TCNPIList-L Jane Doe
How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
Many LISTSERV operations are easily performed through email. We'll use the fictional list FICTIONAL-L in our examples below. You should replace all occurrances of the string "FICTIONAL-L" with the list you are interested in.
To add yourself to a list, send a piece of email to with the line:
subscribe (listname) (your first name) (your last name)
subscribe FICTIONAL-L Jane Doe
To remove yourself from a list, send a piece of email to with the line:
unsubscribe (listname)
unsubscribe FICTIONAL-L
How to Request a New List
Request creation of an automatically maintained class section mailing list here.
New list requests are sent here.