UK Strategy Workshop

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UK Strategy Workshop Quick Links
Date: 8 March 2018, 10:00 AM - 16:50 PM
Workshop Report and Survey Link
iDigBio Blog Post
Attendee List

Workshop: Towards a strategic approach to mobilising UK museum biodiversity data

Post Workshop Surveys

We need your input! To generate a truly collaborative vision that considers digitisation needs and opportunities across the UK, we would be grateful for your time in completing two surveys. We are using this approach to avoid duplicating data – it is important to fill in both surveys if you would like to contribute:

Survey 1 for NatSCA community, but USA input also welcome.
Survey 2 NatSCA community only
  • Survey 2 – Please note: Fill in Sections A and B ONLY
  1. Select "non-DiSSCo partner" from the pull-down list for the first question in section A (A.1: ‘Select the DiSSCo partner you are responding for’, ‘non-DiSSCo partner’ is at the bottom)
  2. For mixed collection institutions: questions relate to the institution’s natural science collections ONLY (e.g. B.2. Personnel, Q4 – number of natural sciences curators NOT all subject curators)
  3. If you do not have the precise information requested, please provide your best estimate.

All UK information will be collated from DiSSCo to help inform next steps.

Workshop Report

Workshop Report: Towards a strategic approach to mobilising UK museum biodiversity data. by Isla Gladstone, Senior Curator Natural Sciences, Bristol Culture


iDigBio is supporting UK efforts to foster across-region collaboration and discussions for development of a strategic plan and vision to digitize regional and small collections across the UK. Participants at these event are museum leaders and directors. We will share case studies of collaborative digitization and data mobilization and offer examples from potential key stakeholders while highlighting audience benefits. Topics include: the UK science / nature agenda, citizen science, workforce skills and diversity, the power of storytelling, funding models, and institutional benefits mapping.

Organizers and Sponsors

This workshop is funded by the John Ellerman Foundation, as part of the 'South West Area Natural Sciences' (SWANS) project led by Bristol City Council's Culture Team. It is co-organized with iDigBio and the Natural History Museum, London.

Pre event material


UK Strategy Workshop Agenda (pdf)

Time Topic
Session 1: Regional, national and international context

group notes google doc

11:00 – 11:10 Welcome
Laura Pye, Head of Bristol Culture
11:10 – 11:15 Introduction: Goals for today
Isla Gladstone, Bristol Culture
11:15 – 11:30 Digitising collections in the UK’s South West - a regional case study
Isla Gladstone, Senior Curator Natural Sciences, Bristol Culture
11:30 – 11:50 NHM Digital Collections and the global vision
Vincent Smith, Research Leader in Informatics, Natural History Museum
11:50 – 12:10 Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) USA
Deborah Paul, Community Building for Digitization, iDigBio
12:10 – 12:30 On building a UK-wide Strategy for cross-region small UK collections.
Open Discussion
12:30 – 1:30 LUNCH
Session 2: Potential benefits of a collaborative approach
12 minute talks + 3 mins questions
1:30 – 1:45 Connecting to the National Biodiversity Network
Jo Judge, Chief Executive, National Biodiversity Network
1:45 – 2:00 Connecting with the big picture
Henry McGhie, Head of Collections and Curator of Zoology, Manchester Museum
2:00 – 2:15 Citizen science
Lucy Robinson, Citizen Science Programme Manager, Natural History Museum
2:15 – 2:30 Engaging the wider museum sector: workforce skills & diversity
Vic Harding, Programme Manager, South West Museum Development
2:30 – 2:45 A UK narrative: the power of storytelling
Kathryn Jeffs, Producer/Director, BBC Natural History Unit
We need a hero with a problem, and a solution or action for resolution
2:45 – 3:00 Mapping institutional benefits - Impacts
Helen Hardy, Digital Collections Programme Manager, Natural History Museum
3:00 – 3:20 Coffee
Session 3: A draft strategy
breakout discussions facilitated by Deborah Paul, iDigBio
3:20 - 4:30

Group 1 - benefits notes google doc

What are the benefits and possible models of collaboration?

Group 2 - audience notes doc

Who are the key audiences and stakeholders in order of priority? What activities are required to meet their needs?

Group 3 - vision notes doc

What is the vision for a collaborative initiative to mobilise biodiversity data from UK natural history collections? What is the story? What is the mission statement?

Groups generate a draft vision, priorities and scenario models: 40 mins. Facilitators present back results of breakout groups: 15 mins (5 mins per group). Group discusses and synthesizes outcomes: 15 mins.

4.30 - 4:40 Next steps and meeting close, Isla Gladstone